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Dates for your diary


Monday 2nd September - TD Day


Tuesday 3rd September - New term begins


Friday 20th September - Bake Sale on the Green


Tuesday 24th September - Stay & Play Session


Thursday 26th Septmeber - Committee AGM 7.30pm


Wednesday 23rd October - TD Day


Monday 24th February 2025 - TD Day


Monday 2nd June 2025 - TD Day


Monday 30th June 2025- TD Day





About Me.


September Update


Welcome back, we hope that you have all had a lovely summer break. Thank you from the whole team for the lovely cards and gifts we received before the holidays. As you will have seen work on the outside area has been completed over the summer and we are looking forward to be able to make good use of the space. The children will continue to come in through the gate, we ask that parents don’t open the gate and let their children in, without a member of staff present. We also ask that you come in through the back gate to collect. Laura will be going on maternity leave as of October half term and returning in September 2025. We are also delighted to announce that Sam and Tommy are expecting their second baby in February and Sam will be going on maternity leave after Christmas and returning January 2026 . Whist they are away Di, Helen, Amy and Sarah will ensure the continued smooth running of the setting.



Dates for your Diary

Pre-school AGM  – Thursday 12th September, 7.30pm @ pre-school, all parents are welcome to attend.



Stay and Play Sessions

 Tuesday 24th September, 10am-11am

Wednesday 4th December, 10am-11am



This term we will be doing; music & movement on Monday’s, Tuesday’s will be either the coffee morning or an afternoon walk, wake & shake on Wednesday’s, woods on Thursday’s and cooking on Fridays.


We would like to encourage the children to bring in and keep a named pair of slippers at pre-school to wear inside. A change of clothes to keep in a bag on their peg is also helpful, as are wellies and suitable clothing for the time of year/weather. While the weather is warm, please can you avoid sending your child in open toed shoes or crocs, they aren’t ideal for running around the playground.


If you are in receipt of 30 hours funding, please look out for and respond to the email reminding you to renew your code. If the code isn’t renewed, we are unable to claim the extended entitlement hours and you will invoiced. Headcount week (which is when we have to submit the hours the children are attending to the Local Authority) is week commencing 1st  October, after this date, whatever you have signed on the parental agreement form cannot be changed until the next funding period, which is January 2025.


We have an allergy in the setting to kiwi fruits and kindly ask that these are not included in your child’s lunch box.


Illness – if your child is unwell or has a fever, please don’t send them into pre-school and please do not give calpol before they attend. They should stay at home until they feel better and the fever has resolved. Current Covid levels are high.




Monday 2nd September

Wednesday 23rd October

Monday 24th February

Monday 2nd June

Monday 30th June

Pre-school along with Breakfast and Afterschool club will be closed.


Please can we ask that you ensure you close the sunflower gate behind you.

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