Urchfont Pre-School CIO
Registered charity number: 1157254
Urchfont, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 4RA¦ Tel: 01380 848444 ¦ Mobile: 07407557980 ¦
Email: info@urchfontpre-school.co.uk
Dates for your diary
Monday 2nd September - TD Day
Tuesday 3rd September - New term begins
Friday 20th September - Bake Sale on the Green
Tuesday 24th September - Stay & Play Session
Thursday 26th Septmeber - Committee AGM 7.30pm
Wednesday 23rd October - TD Day
Wednesday 4th December - Christmas Stay & Play
Monday 24th February 2025 - TD Day
Monday 2nd June 2025 - TD Day
Monday 30th June 2025- TD Day
November Update
We hope that you have all enjoyed the half term break. We would like to welcome Evelyn and Finnan who will be joining us this term. Laura has started her maternity leave and will be welcoming her second baby to the family soon, we will keep you updated and wish them all the best.
We would like to tweak the end of the day routine, as parents coming into the room during story time is disruptive to the children. Therefore we ask that you wait outside undercover until the story has finished before coming into the room to collect your child. Thank you.
We are looking at different occupations this term, if you have a job you could share with us, please speak to Sam to arrange a visit. We would love to see more job roles.
Dates for your Diary
11th – 15th November – World Nursery Rhyme Week
11th December – Sponsored walk – please wear something Christmasy, we will be doing a Christmas themed scavenger hunt (sponsorship form attached & a hard copy in your child’s drawer)
Wednesday 18th December – Christmas party (more information to follow)
Stay and Play Sessions
Wednesday 4th December, 10am-11am
This term we will be doing; number rhymes on Monday’s, Tuesday’s will be cooking and yoga, music and movement on Wednesday’s, woods on Thursday’s and wake and shake on Fridays.
We would like to encourage the children to bring in and keep a named pair of slippers at pre-school to wear inside. Please can you ensure that a change of clothes is kept in a bag on their peg (including socks!). We do go out regardless of the weather, so wellies are a must as is suitable clothing for the weather – waterproof coats if it’s raining, gloves and hats if it is cold.
If you are in receipt of 30 hours funding, please look out for and respond to the email reminding you to renew your code. If the code isn’t renewed, we are unable to claim the extended entitlement hours and you will invoiced.
We are a nut free setting and we also have an allergy in the setting to kiwi fruits and kindly ask that these are not included in your child’s lunch box.
Please find attached a document regarding food safety advice regarding choking hazards in early years. We will return any of these items that are in the children’s lunch boxes.
Illness – if your child is unwell or has a fever, please don’t send them into pre-school and please do not give calpol or other paracetamol based products before they attend. They should stay at home until they feel better and the fever has resolved. Current Covid levels are high. Your child is entitled to a free flu vaccine, we would encourage you to take up this offer. Contact your GP for further details.
School closure – This could be for a variety of reasons, but most frequently due to adverse weather, such as heavy snowfall. If this does happen, information will be published on our website and Facebook page, also on schools website BBC Wiltshire and Heart FM (if school is closed, so is pre-school).
Monday 24th February
Monday 2nd June
Monday 30th June
Pre-school along with Breakfast and Afterschool club will be closed.
Please can we ask that you ensure you close the sunflower gate behind you.